Specialized Finance - Export Finance
We offer you the best Medium and Long Term Export financing solutions.
We support your international ambitions by offering tailor-made solutions in export financing.
KBC's Export Finance team supports exporters of capital goods and related services, by offering Medium and Long Term (MLT) export credits under which the exporter is directly paid by KBC BANK NV. The credit itself is granted to the borrower (f.i. a foreign buyer, a foreign bank or foreign authorities), and covered by export credit agencies (ECAs) or private insurers.
The Export Finance team supports your export activities, offering ECA-covered export financing solutions with the goal of reaching more challenging markets mainly situated outside the OECD.
Why should you choose our KBC Export Finance team?
- We work in partnership with exporters (transparency, openness).
- We offer tailor-made and holistic solutions (coordination with different departments within KBC).
- We have excellent contacts with the Belgian Authorities (Credendo ECA, Finexpo, etc.) and with the Export Credit Agencies in the Netherlands, France, the UK and Germany.
- We have considerable experience in Export Finance and expertise in concessional financing, across many countries.
- Business model: the Front, Middle and Back Offices are located in a single department, all centrally located in Brussels.
- We appoint 1 dedicated contact person for each exporter.
Who we serve
KBC's Export Finance team in Brussels serves export companies ranging from SME's to large companies with a presence mainly in Belgium, the Netherlands, France, Germany or the UK.
What we do
MLT financing solutions mainly consist of buyer's credits, bank-to-bank credits and concessional credits.
MLT credits can be offered either (i) on a bilateral basis or (ii) via club deals or syndicated loans together with other lenders.
Although the core focus is on credits covered by public ECAs, a cover through private risk insurance (PRI) can represent an alternative. Underlying assets financed with MLT credits are capital goods and/or related services, and must comply with the KBC Credit Policy.
Added value
The KBC Export Finance team can make a key difference by offering MLT financing solutions to exporters looking to expand their business beyond their domestic markets, and thus mitigating the buyer risk and country risk.